Neutral Shades Bouquet


This bouquet combines the natural, neutral shades of a wide range of flowers, grass and foliage:

Dried white delphinium, ivory strawflowers, ammonium - like miniature daisies on wiry stems, fluffy hare’s tail and pampas grasses, nigella seed pods, dancing wild oats and briza grass, bearded wheat and sprigs of eucalyptus.

As a beautiful long lasting addition to your interior decoration, or special gift , this dried arrangement can last, maintaining its colours for years - see FAQ for advice on how to get the longest life from dried flowers.

Prices include U.K. Postage. If collecting from me, or buying multiple items, I will refund any excess postage (this item has a £4 postage fee . Or if you prefer, contact me for a personal quote for multiple items.

Please note- the actual bouquet pictured is an example. Your bouquet will be made from the same ingredients, but placement of flowers will vary.

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This bouquet combines the natural, neutral shades of a wide range of flowers, grass and foliage:

Dried white delphinium, ivory strawflowers, ammonium - like miniature daisies on wiry stems, fluffy hare’s tail and pampas grasses, nigella seed pods, dancing wild oats and briza grass, bearded wheat and sprigs of eucalyptus.

As a beautiful long lasting addition to your interior decoration, or special gift , this dried arrangement can last, maintaining its colours for years - see FAQ for advice on how to get the longest life from dried flowers.

Prices include U.K. Postage. If collecting from me, or buying multiple items, I will refund any excess postage (this item has a £4 postage fee . Or if you prefer, contact me for a personal quote for multiple items.

Please note- the actual bouquet pictured is an example. Your bouquet will be made from the same ingredients, but placement of flowers will vary.

This bouquet combines the natural, neutral shades of a wide range of flowers, grass and foliage:

Dried white delphinium, ivory strawflowers, ammonium - like miniature daisies on wiry stems, fluffy hare’s tail and pampas grasses, nigella seed pods, dancing wild oats and briza grass, bearded wheat and sprigs of eucalyptus.

As a beautiful long lasting addition to your interior decoration, or special gift , this dried arrangement can last, maintaining its colours for years - see FAQ for advice on how to get the longest life from dried flowers.

Prices include U.K. Postage. If collecting from me, or buying multiple items, I will refund any excess postage (this item has a £4 postage fee . Or if you prefer, contact me for a personal quote for multiple items.

Please note- the actual bouquet pictured is an example. Your bouquet will be made from the same ingredients, but placement of flowers will vary.

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