Wildflower Meadow Bouquet


Inspired by meadows of whispy grasses and wild flowers, this bouquet features a wide variety of flowers in pinks, blues and purples, together with wispy grasses and seed pods.

All created using only British grown, naturally dried materials. Larkspur, statice, ‘paper daisies’, alliums, grasses, poppies and many more varieties create a beautiful a mass of colour and texture.

As a beautiful long lasting addition to your interior decoration, or special gift , this dried arrangement can last, maintaining its colours for years - see FAQ for advice on how to get the longest life from dried flowers.

For variations on size and colour, please contact me.

Your bouquet will be delivered carefully wrapped in tissue, ensuring it arrives looking just as beautiful as they day it was made. If you would like to add a handwritten gift note, please leave your message at the checkout.

Prices include U.K. Postage. If collecting from me, or buying multiple items, I will refund any excess postage (this item has a £4 postage fee). Or if you prefer, contact me for a personal quote for multiple items.

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Inspired by meadows of whispy grasses and wild flowers, this bouquet features a wide variety of flowers in pinks, blues and purples, together with wispy grasses and seed pods.

All created using only British grown, naturally dried materials. Larkspur, statice, ‘paper daisies’, alliums, grasses, poppies and many more varieties create a beautiful a mass of colour and texture.

As a beautiful long lasting addition to your interior decoration, or special gift , this dried arrangement can last, maintaining its colours for years - see FAQ for advice on how to get the longest life from dried flowers.

For variations on size and colour, please contact me.

Your bouquet will be delivered carefully wrapped in tissue, ensuring it arrives looking just as beautiful as they day it was made. If you would like to add a handwritten gift note, please leave your message at the checkout.

Prices include U.K. Postage. If collecting from me, or buying multiple items, I will refund any excess postage (this item has a £4 postage fee). Or if you prefer, contact me for a personal quote for multiple items.

Inspired by meadows of whispy grasses and wild flowers, this bouquet features a wide variety of flowers in pinks, blues and purples, together with wispy grasses and seed pods.

All created using only British grown, naturally dried materials. Larkspur, statice, ‘paper daisies’, alliums, grasses, poppies and many more varieties create a beautiful a mass of colour and texture.

As a beautiful long lasting addition to your interior decoration, or special gift , this dried arrangement can last, maintaining its colours for years - see FAQ for advice on how to get the longest life from dried flowers.

For variations on size and colour, please contact me.

Your bouquet will be delivered carefully wrapped in tissue, ensuring it arrives looking just as beautiful as they day it was made. If you would like to add a handwritten gift note, please leave your message at the checkout.

Prices include U.K. Postage. If collecting from me, or buying multiple items, I will refund any excess postage (this item has a £4 postage fee). Or if you prefer, contact me for a personal quote for multiple items.

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Wild Flower Meadow Bouquet - pinks and whites