Blue & White Bouquet


A hand-tied bouquet crammed full of dried flowers in classic blues and whites, softened with whispy wild grasses.

This large bouquet makes a beautiful gift, addition to your own home decor, or as a wedding bouquet. A wonderful long-lasting alternative to fresh flowers. See FAQ for tips on how to maintain your dried flowers for as long as possible.

Tied with a silk ribbon, wrapped in tissue and presented in a kraft paper bouquet box.

This bouquet includes more than 70 stems of a wide variety of British grown dried flowers and seed heads- deep blue larkspur, clusters of white anaphalis, statice; spiky balls of echinops, paper daisies and silvery honesty; all softened with wild grasses, and fluffy bunny tails and Miscanthus. Sure to be well received!

If you would like me to add a handwritten gift note with your order, please leave the wording you would like included, at the checkout.

If you would like a smaller or larger version of this bouquet, please contact me for a bespoke order.

  • Prices include U.K. Postage. If collecting from me, or buying multiple items, I will refund any excess postage (this item has a £6 postage fee). Or if you prefer, contact me for a personal quote for multiple items.

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A hand-tied bouquet crammed full of dried flowers in classic blues and whites, softened with whispy wild grasses.

This large bouquet makes a beautiful gift, addition to your own home decor, or as a wedding bouquet. A wonderful long-lasting alternative to fresh flowers. See FAQ for tips on how to maintain your dried flowers for as long as possible.

Tied with a silk ribbon, wrapped in tissue and presented in a kraft paper bouquet box.

This bouquet includes more than 70 stems of a wide variety of British grown dried flowers and seed heads- deep blue larkspur, clusters of white anaphalis, statice; spiky balls of echinops, paper daisies and silvery honesty; all softened with wild grasses, and fluffy bunny tails and Miscanthus. Sure to be well received!

If you would like me to add a handwritten gift note with your order, please leave the wording you would like included, at the checkout.

If you would like a smaller or larger version of this bouquet, please contact me for a bespoke order.

  • Prices include U.K. Postage. If collecting from me, or buying multiple items, I will refund any excess postage (this item has a £6 postage fee). Or if you prefer, contact me for a personal quote for multiple items.

A hand-tied bouquet crammed full of dried flowers in classic blues and whites, softened with whispy wild grasses.

This large bouquet makes a beautiful gift, addition to your own home decor, or as a wedding bouquet. A wonderful long-lasting alternative to fresh flowers. See FAQ for tips on how to maintain your dried flowers for as long as possible.

Tied with a silk ribbon, wrapped in tissue and presented in a kraft paper bouquet box.

This bouquet includes more than 70 stems of a wide variety of British grown dried flowers and seed heads- deep blue larkspur, clusters of white anaphalis, statice; spiky balls of echinops, paper daisies and silvery honesty; all softened with wild grasses, and fluffy bunny tails and Miscanthus. Sure to be well received!

If you would like me to add a handwritten gift note with your order, please leave the wording you would like included, at the checkout.

If you would like a smaller or larger version of this bouquet, please contact me for a bespoke order.

  • Prices include U.K. Postage. If collecting from me, or buying multiple items, I will refund any excess postage (this item has a £6 postage fee). Or if you prefer, contact me for a personal quote for multiple items.

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